Saturday, August 6, 2011

The L Word

Love. We all want it, we all think it's a wonderful thing. But when you find it, who should utter those three small words ("I love you") first? Should a lady ever say it first or should she always wait for her man to say it first? This is an age old question and I've heard views from both sides. On one hand, people say a girl should wait for her man to say it first because men can be very sensitive about the use of those three little words and men should always be the ones to lead into everything. It is believed that telling someone you love them takes the relationship to a new level, a level you don't know if a man is ready for unless he's says it first. So, in order to save face, you should always let a man say "I love you" first. Then on the other hand, people say if you feel it, you should share it. If you love someone you should tell them, no matter if you're the man in the situation or not. You never know until you try. Your man may be just as nervous as you to say those words first, so what's the harm in you expressing your love for him first? I'd have to say though that it's all up to you and what you deem to be appropriate. Maybe you truly believe that a man should say he loves his girl first. Maybe you believe you should say what you feel regardless of your gender. I think it's "to each his own". Everybody's situation is unique, you do what feels right to you.

1 comment:

  1. Wat do each letter n da word love means can u answer dat
