Saturday, August 20, 2011

Is Marriage Becoming Extinct?

It's getting harder and harder for me to even imagine myself married every day, especially with the horrible statistics about black women getting married and the even more horrible ones about educated black women getting married. It seems we are the last to be chosen as wives, or at least that's what statistics would lead us to believe. However, after taking a look around at those around me, I have come to realize that it's not just black women who aren't getting married, it's people period. Cohabitation seems to be the thing to do now, it's a comfortable medium between getting "hitched" and just being in a relationship. It shows that you're committed to the person you're with without actually being "tied down" to them legally and without your feeling like you HAVE to be there. Forever is a LONG time after all. But to that same token, I'm also seeing another change in my generation, now I meet more and more people who have taken on the ideal of "I'm young, all I want to do is have fun". Relationships in general have somehow gotten a bad rep and some people are heading for the hills at the mention of the r word much less the m word. So my question is this; is marriage becoming extinct? How have marriages and relationships in general gotten such a bad rep? Will future generations choose living together to show how much they love each other rather than walking down the aisle? Will people even still believe that true love exists anymore?

1 comment:

  1. A marriage is hard work. It takes dedication and commitement. Things are not always going tob easy but its worth it. I'm all for marriage as long as you're getting married for the right reasons. Some people get married and still want to to live the single life.
