Sunday, July 24, 2011

Til Death Do Us Part

Seems like people just don't value marriage anymore. Like people think marriage is either a joke or hell here on Earth. It's as if people don't see marriage as the sacred and beautiful thing that it is. God values marriage and even says "a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become ONE flesh" (Ephesians 5:31) Do you not understand how powerful that is? This is the foundation of family! I don't understand how marriage has come to be viewed the way it is today. How people can take vows in front of God and family and friends and yet feel free to treat their spouse with no respect at all. How people can get married and cheat repeatedly and not have a care in the world. God commands husbands to love their wives as they love themselves, their own bodies (Ephesians 5:28). I don't believe a man who truly loved his wife as he loved himself would abuse her, cheat on her, be disrespectful to her. Also wives are asked to, yes, submit to their husbands (Ephesians 5:22-24). Here's my view on that, submission has been viewed negatively by many women, even myself, BUT I've come to believe that if you mean a man who is truly sent to you by God, one who puts God FIRST in his life, you won't feel any doubt about following him as he leads the way. God does say the man is the head of the household and if you truly proclaim to be a Christian you can NOT pick and choose which parts of the Bible you will follow. Now, let me also say that just because God asks women to submit to a man that does not mean He's asking us to be slaves to men, He's not asking us to be doormats for men to walk all over. After all, He created woman to be the helpmeet to man and as my aunt put it "the man is the head, but the woman is the neck. The head can't turn without the neck." I said all that to say this, marriage is a wonderful blessing that God has given to us and people need to learn to view it as such. The vows that you take in front of God and family aren't meant to be taken lightly, although judging by the number of extramarital affairs and the sky high divorce rates, many people feel they are. Marriage isn't something that should be feared, it is a beautiful things, but if you don't feel you can keep the vows you'll be saying in front of those who love you then don't do it. It takes a strong person to get married and really strive to keep the vows uttered on that special day, to work hard to make a marriage work in today's world, make sure you're ready for the first before you say til death do us part.


  1. well said! I agree 100 percent.

    That is all.

  2. I completely agree. Nowadays it doesn't seem that marriage has the same meaning that it used to have. Whats the point of getting married when you're going to do the exact same thing you did when you were single. People have no respect for marriage anymore.

  3. Agreed. Marriage is a beautiful thing. I do feel that people get divorced for 1 of the following reasons - got married for the wrong reason (MONEY, child on the way, status quo or age [you know the whole maternal clock thing]). Some people, especially in the military, marry entirely too young! Some people fall out of love, and those who marry for the kids quickly find themselves divorcing as soon as the bird leaves the nest...
