Friday, July 29, 2011

Selfish Lovers

I feel that sex should definitely be pleasurable for both parties involved. Sex, as I have said before, can be a very beautiful thing when done the right way. Here is what I have come to realize though, not everyone feels that way. There are some people who like to accept pleasure, yet aren't willing to reciprocate. I'm certain you've either been in this type of situation or you know someone who has. The person may want oral pleasure but does not desire to "return the favor" or they may make it their business to have an orgasm without even a second thought about whether or not you have one. I would also have to say that I believe anyone who cares for you would want to see you happy and would therefore want to make sure you're pleasured just as much if not more than they are. What do you think? If someone is a selfish lover, does that mean they don't care about you? Should more people be selfish lovers in bed? Would you be willing to stay in a relationship with someone who was a selfish lover? Do you agree that sex should be pleasurable for both parties involved?

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely! Sex is a great thing and it shouldn't be the cement of a relationship but it's definately a crucial part of it. I definately go out of my way to please (mostly for my own ego) but there are such women who lieterally race to the finish (and we are not running a marathon). Of course if we are having a quickie its understood that 1 of us may not get to the promised land lol. Good article.
