Saturday, July 23, 2011

Have Your Cake AND Eat It, Too?

Listening to the Michael Baisden show yesterday a good topic came up, one I've definitely had conversations with my friend girls about, one I've certainly wondered about myself. The topic is this; can man's ego handle a woman he's dating dating other men? Why is it okay if a guy is dating more than one woman, but not okay if they ladies want to do the same? Like Michael said, if you're open on one side, you have to be open on the other side, too. I have never understood the concept of a guy dating multiple partners yet only wanting me to date him. I mean, get real! How the hell would that even be close to right? Seriously?!? Basically what you're saying by telling me you want me only dating you is that you want me to be your back up. You want me to be readily available whenever you want to hang out with me instead of one of the other girls you're dating. Now, here are my thoughts on that; you have completely lost your mind! I actually had a guy THINK that was the way it was going to be between us a few months back and... Yeah, needless to say things didn't work out. I have even been in situations where the guy will say he's okay with us both dating other people, but then he gets upset if he calls and I tell him I'm out with someone else. Here's my main point though, you can't ask of someone else what you're not willing to do yourself. It's not fair to ask someone to, in a nut shell, be faithful to you when you know that you have absolutely NO intentions of even TRYING to do the same. If you want someone to be faithful to you then you need to be ready to do the same. If you're not ready to be faithful and want to date around a bit more then you need to be ready to accept the people that you're dating doing the same. You can NOT have it both ways... At least not in my book. What do you think? Have you ever been in this situation? Have you ever been the one to want your cake and eat it, too?


  1. What's good for the goose is good for the gander too!

    That is all.

  2. Never been in such a situation, so I feel that I have no room to really comment here. Thanks for writing the article though!
