Friday, September 30, 2011

Why Is Teen Pregnancy Less Taboo Today?

It seems to me that girls are not ashamed of being pregnant in high school anymore, in fact, a lot of them seem proud of it. They're smiling and laughing while talking about when their baby is due and what they're going to name him/her. They're posting pictures of their pregnant bellies on Facebook and other social networking sites. Some of them are actually TRYING to get pregnant! I don't understand this trend. I mean, it is as if they just WANT to make life harder for themselves. As if no one has sat them down and talked to them about how hard raising a child is or as if they haven't seen examples for themselves although most of them have. We should be keeping our kids in extra curricular activities, talking to them about sex, and STD/Pregnancy prevention. Abstinence only sex education is definitely not the way, obviously girls are thinking that pregnancy is something glamorous and fun ( which some blame on the MTV reality series Teen Mom) so they want to get pregnant, too. Now, I'm not saying that sometimes these things don't just happen. Not every girl who gets pregnant as a teen planned or wished for it to happen, BUT a lot of them did. And a lot of times the reason is they just want someone to love them, it is hard to envision how incredibly difficult it is to raise a child. What is even more sad though is that a lot of parents think it's okay that their child is a teen parent, it actually seems to be something that is expected of teens these days. So my question is why? Why is it that teen pregnancy is less taboo today? Why have we come to expect this of our teens?

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