Thursday, September 22, 2011

But You Say He's Just A Friend

Can men and women really be "just friends", no strings attached, strictly platonic acquaintances? This is an issue within quite a few relationships as either the lady is jealous or uncomfortable with her man having female friends or the other way around. Now, I can't speak for everybody, I only know about me and my situation and within my situation, I do have friends who happen to be male and I have absolutely no romantic interest them. However, I've been told that the only reason those guys are only my friends is because I won't allow them to be anything else. I'm not really sure how true this is since they've never made a move on me, we've never taken it to that level. The belief is though, that if men and women try to be friends only someone will begin to like the other person as more than a friend and this will potentially cause issues within the friendship. I don't think that all men have an ulterior motive nor do I believe that if a girl wants to be friends with a guy who has a girlfriend or wife she's a home wrecker. I do believe though that if you're committed to someone and you introduce them to friends of the same sex that you should introduce them to friends of the opposite sex, not doing so could most definitely put doubt in your partner's mind. If this person of the opposite sex is really nothing more than a friend then there should be absolutely no reason not to bring them around your significant other, if you believe your partner to be overly jealous and that they'd be disapproving of your friendship because of lack of trust, you don't need that in your life. Relationships are built on trust and if you bring your friend around your significant other and set boundaries for what's appropriate and what's not appropriate there shouldn't be an issue. What do you think though? Can men and women really be "just friends"?

1 comment:

  1. JM I know for certain that men & women can be friends because I have alot of female friends & I have a girlfriend & she knows all this because I told her before we got together & I kick it with my female friends alot because they're friends with my other friends. I think some people just cant control their emotions & want to have their girlfriend & hit everything on the side.
