Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bless Those Who Curse You

We've all heard the sayings "kill them with kindness", "turn the other cheek," and "treat people how you want to be treated," at least once in our lives and as Christians, we're expected to take heed to them. Christ loved everyone no matter what they said about him, how they treated him, or what they thought about him. Christians are supposed to strive to be more like Christ each and every day of their lives, yet I believe this is something many of us have yet to master. It's hard to love or be nice to someone who has done you wrong. When someone has said horrible things about you or has done horrible things to you, it's extremely difficult to overlook that, forgive them, and continue being nice to them and showering them with love. Now, we all know that the Bible instructs us to turn these types of situations over to God and let Him handle it, in fact, it says "do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21). I said all this to say that I have yet to meet a person who has mastered this, however, that doesn't give us the right to stop trying. Becoming more like Christ is a lifelong journey and we should continue to pray and strive to learn how to turn the other cheek.

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