Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Relationships Are Built On Trust

It is understandable that you could be jealous of your partner spending time with an attractive person of the opposite sex or that they are still friends with an ex or even that they receive tons of attention from people of the opposite sex whenever they go out somewhere. However, when it gets to the point that the jealousy you feel consumes your thoughts, leads you to accuse your partner of cheating without sufficient reason, or has you snapping at them at the drop of a hat because you feel they looked at someone too long or said a bit too much to a certain person, it's time to re-evaluate your relationship. If your behavior gets even remotely close to these scenarios, it's obvious that you don't trust your mate and may even be insecure within yourself. And if you find yourself on the receiving end of these scenarios, and you know you have done nothing to deserve such treatment, you should re-evaluate your relationship, too. Relationships are built on trust and as long as you don't give your partner reason to suspect you of any wrong doing, you shouldn't be subjected to this type of behavior. You shouldn't have to explain yourself every time a person other than your partner says hey to you. There shouldn't be an issue if someone gives you a compliment. All I'm really trying to say is if you don't have trust, you don't have anything. You don't want to spend your whole relationship explaining yourself to your partner or making sure they know your every move just so they know you aren't cheating.

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