Friday, October 7, 2011

Heart Over Matter?

You always hear people say you should listen to or follow your heart. You always hear that you can't choose who you love, the heart wants what the heart wants. But on the flip side, you hear people say that have to be more rational because their hearts have lead them down the wrong path. Can you ever really just listen to your heart though? I mean, is it really possible to just meet someone, fall for them, and then just let go and let whatever happens happen? I'm not sure there's a real answer to that question, guess it depends on what your definition of following your heart is. For people who wear their hearts on their sleeves, I know this is especially hard because they're usually more easily hurt. And I know these are the people who often times  they become more apprehensive when it comes to dating. They might know in their heart that they really like someone, but their mind will tell them to hold back because that person might turn out to be just like all the others who hurt them in the past. But, maybe we should all learn to start from scratch. Learn to really learn to let our hearts lead us. You only have one life to live and you should definitely live it to the fullest. Life is all about taking chances and love is the greatest gift life has to offer, so the next time you meet someone you truly feel a connection with, go for it, put your heart over the matter. It's always easier said than done, this I surely know, as I said I've been hurt in the past, too, but isn't it worth a try?

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