Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What's A Step Parent's Role?

As if building a relationship or marriage isn't hard enough, add the fact that you're entering a "ready made" family to the mix and the difficulty is magnified. It's hard to figure out your position in this situation. Should you participate in disciplining the child(ren)? How are you to know what's crossing the line and what isn't? What exactly is your "place"? I'm certain that these and plenty of other questions are asked when you're put in a position of becoming the parent of a child who isn't biologically yours. In order to get things to run smoothly I say once again communication is key. Talk with your partner and also the biological parent of the child(ren) if the option is there and try to come to some type of agreement on where your place is, what is appropriate and what isn't, express your concerns to them. Every situation is different and I know that sometimes it is not only the new responsibility of being a step parent and significant other that is overwhelming, but  the rude/childish behavior of the child's other biological parent is also a huge issue. As for that, all I can say is try to find some common ground if that is at all possible because after all you all need to get along and come to some type of agreement for the sake of the child(ren). Keep in mind that the child or children are the most important thing in this situation and you have to decide if you're willing to do what it takes to make things as stable as possible for them. Think long and hard before making a decision, if your decision is to try to stick it out, try to keep communication open and remember that these things take time.

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