Friday, December 14, 2012

When Is It Time To Let Go?

We all want to have our relationships work, but sometimes they just don't. Sometimes things go from bad to worse and nobody knows how to fix it. Sometimes can simply hold on to something we should definitely let go off, but how do we know when it's time to let go? I say there are a few ways to know when it's time to close the door on your relationship and leave. One being everything that is done within the relationship is geared toward one person, in other words, one person makes all the decisions and the other person simply goes along with it for fear of confrontation or just to keep the peace. In this case, the person who is just going along for the ride is not needed. A relationship is two people working together so if one person's input isn't being valued or used, they're not needed. Another way to know is when there are more times that you feel sad than times that you are happy. Life is too short to be unhappy all the time and as the saying goes, you can do bad all by yourself, you don't need anyone else to help your life be hard. If your mate is being abusive mentally OR physically, that is unacceptable. You need someone who will uplift you, not bring you down. And your body is a temple, it wasn't intended to be "vandalized". If you are ONLY staying with your mate because of the kids, then there really is no relationship at all. You have to be a couple outside of your kids and if that is not happening, believe it or not, you're doing more harm by staying than leaving. If you're unhappy, your kids CAN pick up on that. They are smarter than you think.

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