Sunday, July 28, 2013

Are White Men More Faithful Than Black Men?

Ok, so, that question is one I come to wonder about more often as of late. I always hear about black men cheating and staying out all night, just plain doing their women wrong, however, to that same token, it seems that white men's indiscretions aren't as widely discussed. Now, don't get me wrong, I HAVE heard multiple stories of white men cheating and doing wrong, too, but what I'm saying is I don't hear those types of things as often. I've often heard that "all men are dogs", but there are many different breeds of dogs which leads me to wonder if black men and white men are dogs of different breeds. Just saying, seems white men get married more often, they provide for their families more often, they just seem to be more... Put together. And again let me clarify something, I'm not saying that there aren't black men out there who provide for, protect, and love their families to the very best of their abilities because I have definitely seen great examples of that. There are exceptions to every rule, not every man is the same and you can't say that just because someone is of a particular race they are a certain way. All I'm asking is, in your experience or from your observations, do you think white men are more faithful? Maybe I need to venture out more to different parts of the world and view different cultures in order to learn that black men ARE in fact great partners IN GENERAL and that they CAN truly be faithful...


  1. hell no they all the same girl!!!!! Wait let me take that back we do have some good men n the world it's just hard to find them. keep writing!!!!

  2. LOL Thank you for your comment!!! It is truly appreciated! And I agree, good men are hard to find!
