Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Is There An Appropriate Amount Of Time To Date Before Getting Married?

I've always heard debates about whether or not you should marry someone after knowing them for only a short amount of time, although short amount of time varies from person to person. For the purposes of this post we'll just say a short amount of time is anything less than a year. Now, I've heard of couples getting married after knowing each other anywhere from six weeks to nine months, and in most of those cases, the marriage has lasted. But of course there are marriages that happened just as fast and did not last. In my opinion though, there is no set amount of time you should wait before marrying a person. Only YOU know when it feels right and only YOU will be the one marrying that person. I do believe marriage is a sacred and serious thing that should definitely not be played with, but I feel it is the couple's decision as to whether of not it is right for them. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think couples should know each other longer than a year before getting married? Is there a set amount of time?

1 comment:

  1. I agree that only those 2 people can decide the "right time" to get married whether it's 6 months or 6 years...I just met this new guy a month ago & we've already gotten serious could c a future together so it just depends
