Monday, March 5, 2012

I Love My Mr. Wrong!

Ok, so I may get a bit of flack for this topic, but I just have to get this off my chest. In recent years, I have heard sooooo many black people, especially women talk about what a black woman would or would not take from her man, HOWEVER, the truth is that black women seem to take a hell of a lot more from their men than other races, although it has also been said that black men are a lot more aggressive and even excessively angry. Black women are often in abusive relationships where a lot of times they, I admit, ARE also abusive towards their men. That's really not the sad part though, the sad part is that abusive relationships are and have been a common occurrence in the black community for a long time. Now, let me make myself clear in saying that of course black couples are not the only ones dealing with abusive relationships but they do seem to be the ones who are more tolerant of it. Yes, you hear more about "crimes of passion" in the white community and you've definitely seen plenty of Lifetime  movies where white women are the recipients of abuse, but stop and think about the reason for this. In our community, it is a common thing to hear someone tell you to "stop snitching" and it is once again a normal thing for there to be abuse in our relationships, in fact, some of us think it is funny! Other things I hear that we black women simply won't take is sheer disrespect or cheating. Even that's laughable when you consider that we are buying, downloading, and listening to music that constantly demeans us by calling us all kinds of bitches and whores, some of us even write songs saying the exact same things. And there are so many of us who believe it's okay for a man to cheat as long as "he comes home to his woman" that it is ridiculous. When are we going to "woman up" and realize that we deserve better? When are we going to realize that we don't have to settle for Mr. Wrong because there IS a Mr. Right out there for us? And when will we stop ignoring the abuse, the disrespect, the downright low down things that happen to us in our own community?


  1. Everything you said in this blog is so true. This was a good one for everyone to read!!!!!!

  2. Thank you guys for your comments!

  3. I like this one to girl
