Sunday, February 19, 2012

Do Women Really Change Once They Get The Ring?

So, what I've been hearing lately is that one of the reasons so many men are afraid to make the ultimate commitment and walk down the aisle with a lady is because she turns into some type of monster once the ring is placed on her finger. Now, I can not say whether or not this is true as I myself am not married and am not close enough to anyone who is married to have heard many horror stories. However, it would be my guess that even if it's the smallest of indications, a woman gives off SOME type of indication that she's not who she appears to be. But once again I can not say for sure. What I can say though, is that I'm certain men have some part to play in this as well. Everyone sees things from their own point of view as they are the only person whose eyes they can see through. All I can say is, you have to be sure you take heed to anything said by those closest to you about your potential spouse, and most of all pray and ask God for guidance BEFORE taking that step. Marriage is a big deal, and I'm certain it's something you only want to do once. So YOU let me know. Does a woman REALLY change once she gets that ring?

1 comment:

  1. Well i've been married for eight years now. We've had our good and bad days together but what married couple doesn't. I mean that's life just as if we was boyfriend and girlfriend. Now myself as well as my friends have changed for the good not the bad and what i mean by the good is that we don't go out alot like we use to and that we stay at home more with our family and kids like we suppose to do as a family. But if a man or a woman change let it be for the better..
