Sunday, April 1, 2012

Modesty Is The Best Policy

 After going to church today and taking a look around, I felt this post would be much needed. Now I know while in church your mind should be on praising God, however, when you're sitting in church trying to concentrate on the sermon and some girl is prancing back in a shirt that has her girls less than covered, it's kind of hard to miss. Let me go on record as saying I definitely don't think you have to dress like a nun when heading to church, in fact, I totally agree you should dress nice. BUT while dressing fashionably, you should also dress modestly. You should NOT be wearing outfits you'd wear to the club to church. Church is where you go to praise God not. show the world what your mama  gave you. All I'm tryin g to say is, when in doubt, cover it up. Less is more. Dress  like a lady in the Lord's house.


  1. I feel u on that girl

  2. And everything u said is rite. I find that so disrespectful when i see females do that have respect for yourself and other members of the church. There is a time and place for u to dress like that and it's not in the Lord's house!!!! Have a happy Sunday!!!!
