Thursday, December 8, 2011

God Made Us All!

So, this post totally isn't directly associated with relationships or love, BUT it's something that's been on my mind. I have a question for everyone, a question I think we should all think about; why is it that we treat people who are, ahem, less attractive as if it's their fault? You know what I mean. We turn up our noses at people who don't fit into our idea of what attractive is, we talk down to people we deem ugly, we make them feel horrible about themselves as if they created themselves, not to mention people we deem fat. But why? Why are we so focused on appearances that we'll alienate someone who isn't what we'd consider attractive? And on a whole other level of bashing people who aren't attractive is comparing siblings based on not only their musical or acting abilities, but yes, their looks. We see it in the media everyday. All of the Kardashian sisters are compared to one another, Solange is compared to Beyonce, Ashlee Simpson is compared to Jessica Simpson, Prince Harry is compared to Prince William and so on and so forth. No one can control which features they take from their parents and which ones they don't and weren't we all taught as kids that it's what's on the inside that really counts?

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