Sunday, September 15, 2013

Let's Wait A While

The sex is intense. You can't keep your hands off him/her. You guys have sex three to four times a week. Then suddenly a bomb is dropped. He/she wants you all to become celibate until marriage. Pump the brakes! Where in the world did this come from? Especially considering up until this point, neither of you have been overly religious. How are you supposed to react to this? Is that even possible? Is it even fair that they ask something like this of you? Alright, so, here's MY opinion on this. IF I could actually find a man who would suggest this AND I could see that he was doing it for the right reasons, I would definitely be along for the ride. However, if I didn't really believe this guy was doing it for the right reasons or I felt there was something he wasn't telling me, I'd probably have my bags packed. Let me just say though, if it's for the right reasons and I see that he is trying to obey God not only in that aspect of his life, but in all other aspects as well, first I'd have to be sure he wasn't a figment of my imagination, but then I would feel blessed to have him in my life and admire him for not conforming to the world and all its goingson. How do you think you would react? Is that something you would be down for?


  1. Great article, It is truly a blessing to have a man in your life that will put God first, thats a rarity. I think relationships in which both parties agree to honor God and wait until marriage to have sex, will be more successful.

  2. Yes yes I say amen to that!!
