Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why Date A Man Who Won't Take Care Of His Kids?

Absentee fathers are definitely a problem in this community so ladies, if you have a child by a man who takes care of his kids, you should definitely consider yourself lucky. There are plenty of single mothers around here that will attest to that. It's hard raising a child on your own and it's even more sad to think about the fact that it's a common occurrence. Here is my question though, if you know a man has a child or children and refuses to help take care of them, why would you even CONSIDER dating him? What kind of person would knowingly create then neglect an innocent child or children? I mean, what does that say about the kind of man he is? What does that say about you for supporting him in his decision to neglect his kids? Now, let me make it clear that I do know situations where fathers actually WANT to be there for their kids, but because they don't want a relationship with the mothers or have already moved on and have new ladies in their lives, the mothers won't allow them to be in the kids' lives and in those cases, shame on the moms. Realize what you're doing to these kids by denying them the right to have fathers in their lives.We've got to do better. Ladies, think about this, if he doesn't take care of his kids with her chances are he won't take care of the kids he has with you. And why would you even want that kind of guy in your life? He's not a real man if he's not willing to take care of his responsibilities. Don't be an enabler.


  1. My man has 2 kids. Mine being his first child. He pays child support for the 2nd and it seems like he is more concerned w/ taking care of that one instead of the child we share. I primarily care for our child and cover all expenses as for school, clothes, holidays etc. EVen though we are together he should still provide for our child just as he does the 2nd child. What ever the 2nd mom asks for she gets. What do you think?? I really need help!!

  2. @Anonymous I would say this, because you two are together, I'm assuming he spends time with your child, and especially if you all live together, he may feel his being there for your child is payment enough. But what I'd suggest first in foremost is bringing this issue up to him because like I always say communication is key. Now, please be sure to approach this situation lightly, you don't want him to feel you are attacking him. If you approach him calmly, he is more likely to listen and really consider your concerns. If, however, you approach him with this issue and he still neglects to support your child financially, you may have to get thecourts involved although I know that's not the route you want to take. Best of luck to you. I hope you find my response helpful.
