Friday, September 9, 2011

Know How Blessed You Are

There are a lot of single people around here. The dating pool is definitely shallow. Finding someone who loves you for who you are or better yet, even finding someone decent to date is like harder than "finding a needle in a haystack". So if you're dating, engaged to, married to someone who loves and appreciates you just for being you then consder yourself tremendously blessed. I know that no person or relationship is perfect, but if you've found the perfect person for you and have a relationship where good times outweigh bad times, hold on to him or her because that is definitely not easy to come by these days. Make sure you let that special person know each and every day how much you love and appreciate them with not only words, but actions. Remember actions speak louder than words and we all want to feel valued and loved. So to all the happy couples out there know that you're blessed and to all my singles out there always have faith and believe that your day will come.

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