Saturday, September 3, 2011

Single By Choice Or Force?

I am often asked, as I'm sure most single women are, why I'm single. People are like you're attractive, you're smart, you're sweet, what's the deal? Then here comes the question that always gets under my skin, what's wrong with you? Now, I'm not saying that gets under my skin to imply that I'm perfect because Lord knows I'm not, however, I do happen to believe I'm a great catch. I can cook, I'm smart, I have ambitions, no kids, yada, yada, yada. And I know plenty of attractive, loving, intelligent women who are single in Mississippi and people on the outside looking in are wondering why. Well, I'm here to shed some light on the situation if I could. I can't speak for all single women, but I can share my opinion on my situation and that of many of the single women I have come in contact with. First of all, a lot of people think the only way to go out and have fun around here is to go to the club, drink, and/ or smoke and I'm sorry, that's just not my thing therefore, I'm thought to be lame by some of my peers which is fine by me, that doesn't make me want to change who I am. Secondly, I go to church and when I take a look around and the ratio of men to women is comical. They say good men are in church and frankly, I'd have to disagree. It's more like a crowd of women with men sprinkled here and there, not to mention most of those men are old enough to be my dad or granddad. Next, single women are told to go out and participate in activities that they enjoy so that if they meet a man there, they already know they have something in common. Okay, here's the problem with that here, activities I like to do include shopping, reading, writing, cooking, talking on the phone, not really activities guys go for. I'm not into sports, don't wear tennis shoes, and I don't listen to rap so... Yeah, I'm a bit weird amonst my peers. And even going to open mic nights here because I like listening to poetry was unequaled, there were like 1000 girls to every 1 guy. Of course I'm exaggerating but you get my drift. What I'm trying to say is, just because we are single doesn't mean there's anything wrong with us. Perhaps we're just individuals who don't conform to the norm and therefore aren't as available to guys. Maybe we like doing things that most guys our age aren't into and therefore we remain single. Does this mean we're forced to be single? No, we could always go for a guy whose interests are nothing close to ours just to say we have a "boo", but most of us aren't willing to go that route. So that's certainly our choice. I just felt I had to say a few words on this issue as it bugs the hell out of me for people to assume something is "wrong" with single women for no reason other than they're single!

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