Thursday, December 13, 2012

Choose Your Battles Wisely

While it is true that no two people are alike and every one's entitled to their own opinion, within a relationship, you have to find common ground or agree to disagree from time to time. Communication is key in any relationship which means you must be able to not only express your opinion effectively but also listen to the other party's take on things. Speaking inn a nice tone is also very important and something that is hard to do when a controversial topic is brought up. You must realize that not many people take kindly to being yelled at and when yelling is involved things can get pretty ugly and in a relationship, you must decide if certain topics are even worth talking about. Is it really important to remind him that he's the man of the house and thus expected to do certain chores every time he forgets to take out the trash? And must you remind her tat she needs to keep the house clean because that's part of her wifely duties whenever there are dishes in the sink? All I'm saying is, not everything should be a discussion, especially if you KNOW it's petty and will most likely lead to an argument. Petty arguments CAN turn into huge battles that You may not be ready for. Sometimes it really is best to leave well enough alone. So my question to you would be, in choosing your battles wisely, is it ever wise to keep something that's really bothering you to yourself simply to keep the peace?


  1. Depends on how long I have been holding onto what is bothering me. If they repeatedly do the same thing then yes you can speak your mind but if its something small...forget it


  2. Thank you for your comment! It is truly appreciated!
