Friday, December 21, 2012

Act Like A Man

Guys, SOME of you have got to do better! I don't understand your settling for whatever is handed to you. Are you not strong enough to pull your own weight? Are you not smart enough to learn from not only your mistakes but the mistakes of those around you? Why would you be content with merely getting by? Wake up! You have everything you need to make a good like yourself and your family future or present. Stop thinking that because you're from "the hood", you have to do as those in the hood are expected to. You do NOT have to do drugs. You do NOT have to make multiple babies with multiple women. You CAN go to college and get multiple degrees because you ARE intelligent and that doesn't make you a sell out or a lame or whatever else it is that you may be called. Be your own person. Realize that being a man is not about how many people you can intimidate or how many women you get into bed or having a child with your last name. Being a man is about being a responsible person, working hard to be a good provider, living life to the fullest. All I'm trying to say is, please stop trying to please your friends. Please stop mooching off family. Find your own LEGIT way to make it in this world. If you have to work two jobs to provide for your family, do that. If you feel college isn't for you, find some other way to become more educated like trade school. As I said before guys SOME of you have got to do better, but for those of you who are on point, keep up the good work and maybe lend a friend to a guy who isn't on point, but trying to get there.

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