Monday, October 24, 2011

Why Are Smart Women Dumb When It Comes To Men?

You see it all the time, a beautiful, sweet, otherwise intelligent woman makes a dumb decision and enters a relationship with a guy EVERYBODY knows she shouldn't be with, except her. The guy she's with has no job, no car, no education, and has no problem letting her take care of him. People around her, friends and family warn her about him and try to get her to see the bigger picture (he's using her and only dragging her down), but she's in denial and thinks she's in love. So then this brings to mind the saying that love is blind and also that you can't help who you love. Now, I can't speak for every woman who works to take care of herself and man, in fact, I can't speak for any of them, what I can say though is that I think there is a deeper issue there. What would make someone want to be with a person who is supposed to love them, yet they watch you work hard to support them each and everyday while they sit back and do nothing? I can get that you never know who you'll fall in love with and that love is the strongest emotion there is, but aren't you supposed to also learn to use your mind along with your heart? What's your take on this? Why are smart women so dumb when it comes to men in your opinion?

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