Thursday, October 13, 2011

Faking "It"; Foul Or Play?

I'm not sure that we're all guilty of it, but I do know a few people who have admitted to faking "the big O" for fear of hurting their partners feelings, to "just get it over with", because they can't seem to achieve a real one, etc. Is faking an orgasm really a bad thing though? Does it mean the person who fakes it can't be trusted? I mean, I guess you could say if you'd lie about that you'd lie about something else... I don't know if I'd go so far as to say that, but anything is possible. Here's the thing though, if you're pretending to have an orgasm to please your partner or because you're unable to achieve a real one, you're only hurting yourself. I mean, don't you deserve to enjoy yourself, too? And like I always say, communication is key. If your partner thinks you're having an orgasm whenever you have sex, they don't know that anything is wrong which means that you're left unsatisfied and probably frustrated. I know that if you can't achieve an orgasm, it may make you feel embarrassed or less than a man/woman, but if you trust your partner enough to be that vulnerable with them, I mean, being naked in front of another person is like the most vulnerable position you can be in, you should definitely be able to talk to them about what's going on with you. And if you're not having orgasms because he/she just isn't doing it for you, express that to him/her. Sex should be pleasurable for both parties involved and if you don't get to experience the climax... Yeah, that's not cool. LOL

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