Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Yeah... But I Need My Headwrap Though

Alright, so, I've been reading a few things online about a discussion that I'm guessing took place on the Michael Baisden show about women and their head wraps, scarves, head rags, bonnets, etc. It appears that the discussion was saying that men would like for women not to wrap their hair up at night before going to bed. Well, I have to say that I think this is ridiculous! While I'd agree that it wouldn't be a bad idea for women to not wrap their hair up at least every now and then, most of us actually do wrap our hair for a reason. For one, if we didn't wrap our hair, it would get all out of place and messy meaning we'd have to get up the next morning and flat iron, curl, or whatever it is that we must do in order to make our hair manageable and adding extra heat to your hair is definitely NOT recommended. So once we stop wrapping our hair and using heat to manage it each day and our hair becomes damaged possibly to the point of it falling out and we decided to wear wigs or weaves or hair pieces to fix the problem men will have a problem with that, too. Then the issue will be that we USED to wear our real hair and now all we wear is weave. What men fail to realize is that the things we wrap our hair in help us to keep our hair not only in place but help to keep it moisturized and healthy. We wrap our hair as much for ourselves as we do for you, men. We want to keep our hair looking nice so we can keep you around. So we can look professional at work. So we can have confidence in ourselves because WE think we look good. So in essence, head wraps and rags are apart of what makes us unique.