Saturday, January 28, 2012

Top 5 Ways NOT To Break-Up

I've complied a list of the top 5 ways to break up with your mate. Here it goes:

5. Writing a letter or giving a card to let them know it is over.
4. Asking a mutual friend to deliver the news that you want to break up.
3. Putting all of their belongings out (couples that live together).
2. Completely ignoring calls, texts, etc. from the other person.
1. Changing your relationship status to single on Facebook, tweeting about being single again on Twitter, posting a break-up video for your mate on You Tube.

If you can think of any more ways Not to break up with your partner or have a break up horror stories post a comment and share it.


  1. Stage to get caught with their best friend

    That is all

  2. Tell they sister or brother to tell them for you cause you don't want to see the look on there face.......
