Sunday, July 17, 2011

He Really IS Pro Sex!

Growing up here in the "Bible Belt", the south, I've come to realize that many people are taught growing up and still believe into adulthood that God is anti-sex. Truth is He isn't. In fact, God speaks out FOR sex. What He IS against though is sex outside of marriage. Now because we have been taught for so long that sex is wrong, it's bad, it's not something we should talk about or do, we are conditioned to believe God doesn't want us to have sex. There are actually bible verses to say otherwise such as 1 Corinthians 7:5 that asks us not to deprive each other unless it is mutually agreed upon for a good reason such as fasting or praying. Hebrews 7:5 telling us the marriage bed can not be defiled has been interreted in many different ways, as it should be since we are all different and have our own opinions about things. Here's my take on it though, although verses like 1 John 2:16 talk about the lust of the eyes, anything mutually agreed upon and believed to make your marriage better or keep you together is pleasing in God's eyes. As long as what you decide to do isn't harmful to yourselves or others and doesn't go against the commandments, go for it. Sex is fun, exciting, beautiful and God wants us to enjoy it... As long as we're doing it within marriage.


  1. See reading this post is exactly what's been talked about a long time! It's fun, why not?

  2. Sex! Sex! And more sex!

  3. A hobby in most countries lol! Good article

  4. Super duper late, but thanks for the comments!!! They are always greatly appreciated!!!


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