Proverbs 18:22 says "He who finds a wife finds what is good." Proverbs 16:9 says "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." And Psalm 27:14 says "Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. "
If you are a single, Christian woman, you have read, heard, and probably been quoted one or more of the scriptures above or others listed in the Bible about being patient and waiting on God to supply your needs. In church, we are told that God wants ladies to wait patiently for Him to send them their perfect mate. However, if you listen to messages promoted by the media, waiting patiently for a man to find you is the last thing you're told to do. Things like "God helps those who help themselves" and "If you want something to happen, you have to make it happen" are being said each and everyday. This creates a dilemma for single ladies everywhere. What's a girl to do? Should you take heed to what you're told in church and wait? Or should you go out and make it happen?
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Case Of The Ex
This is a topic discussed by many and I think the result is usually an even split amongst those involved in the conversation. There are people who think going back to/still sleeping with an ex is cool, not problem, that it may even be a good thing considering you already know and care about this person so you don't have to worry about being with someone new. There are others who believe that once you break up with someone you should leave them alone for good, that it's unhealthy to keep an ex around, you can't completely heal or be ready for someone better to come along if you're still stuck on your ex... Maybe you felt your ex was "the one" and you all are meant to be. Maybe you still love your ex and don't think you can ever move on without him/her. In these cases, I'd have to ask that you go over the details of the break up. Did he/she cheat? Were they abusive in any way? Did they lie to you about things that you felt were important? In my opinion, an ex should certainly stay an ex in most cases because after all you had to feel things wouldn't work out for a reason, right? That being said though, I do feel there are cases when getting back with an ex may not be such a bad idea. For instance, the break up may have been caused by one or both parties moving away. Or maybe you dated in high school, broke up, then met up again years later. Even then though, I'd still tread lightly. What do you think? Should you ever get back with an ex? Is it ever okay to have "ex-sex"? Or should an ex be an ex and stay in the past?
Friday, July 29, 2011
Selfish Lovers
I feel that sex should definitely be pleasurable for both parties involved. Sex, as I have said before, can be a very beautiful thing when done the right way. Here is what I have come to realize though, not everyone feels that way. There are some people who like to accept pleasure, yet aren't willing to reciprocate. I'm certain you've either been in this type of situation or you know someone who has. The person may want oral pleasure but does not desire to "return the favor" or they may make it their business to have an orgasm without even a second thought about whether or not you have one. I would also have to say that I believe anyone who cares for you would want to see you happy and would therefore want to make sure you're pleasured just as much if not more than they are. What do you think? If someone is a selfish lover, does that mean they don't care about you? Should more people be selfish lovers in bed? Would you be willing to stay in a relationship with someone who was a selfish lover? Do you agree that sex should be pleasurable for both parties involved?
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The Three Month Rule
The first time I'd eve heard of "the three month rule" was one night while watching Girlfriends which was one of my favorite shows at the time. Joan was explaining to her girls that she felt it was only appropriate to have sex with a man after three months of dating (she had everything from kissing to holding hands to cuddling planned out, but that was just Joan). Anyway, my point is she felt she had to wait a certain amount of time before becoming intimate with a man in order for him to not only respect her but for her to respect herself. Fast forward a few years later and Steve Harvey writes the book Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man where again the three month rule is again promoted, although he called it something like a ninety day trial period. On the opposite end of the spectrum though, there are people who believe you should have sex whenever you feel comfortable doing it and no matter how long you wait if the person respects you, they always will no matter what. What do you think? Should you implement the three month rule into your life? Or should you have sex with someone whenever you feel comfortable? Do people (women especially) get more respect if they decide to wait versus deciding not to wait?
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
I'll Be The Other Woman
This is something that has become more and more popular these days; being the other woman. Now I've never understood why you would be happy/satisfied being second to anyone because in essence you are. You should not be happy being some one's side girl, you should want to be their number one or nothing at all. Think about this, nine times out of ten, he's not going to leave his significant other for you and even IF he did, what makes you so sure he wouldn't cheat on you the same way he did her? Also, if he's married and he and his wife decide to call it quits, she may be entitled to alimony, spousal support, perhaps pay offs for emotional distress and whatever else you can sue for these days, even child support if they have children which means he'll be obligated to continue supporting her even after they've split. Even if he has a substantial amount of money when you meet him, after his wife is done with him he may be pretty much broke. Do you think you could really benefit from this situation? Seriously, he's most likely sneaking you around for fear of being caught by his significant other, he can't spend as much time with you because he doesn't want to cause drama at home, your time with him can easily be cut short if she calls and demands his attention, if things aren't going so well at home, he may have to disappear for a while to pacify his main chick. I say why go through that? Why put up with all that hassle? Don't you deserve to be a queen? Then you need to find yourself a king. A king will treat you like royalty, will be happy to have you and only you on his arm, will make sure there's no doubt in your mind that he loves you. You have to know that you deserve to be number one and not settle for anything else, don't be the other woman, be his ONLY woman.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Friend or Back Stabber?
So you're in love... or at least you think you are, everything is great. He/she is funny, smart, attractive, caring, everything you want in a partner. You spend a lot of time together, you've his/her family, he/she has met yours. Life couldn't be better. Fast forward six months and everything changes, he/she doesn't want to be with you anymore. You find yourself lonely and heartbroken and just as you're trying to put the pieces back together, you find out your "best friend" is now dating him/her. So now not only are you heartbroken and lonely, you're angry and feeling betrayed. Even though you two have broken up, you still care for him/her, the wound is still fresh. Here's my question; would a TRUE friend date someone who hurt you so deeply after you cared so much about him/her? Is it ever okay to date your friend's ex? If so, in what situation would it be appropriate? Should someone feel betrayed if their friend dates an ex? Penny for your thoughts.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Did You Know?
I've come across a few facts about sex that I found interesting and I thought you might, too, so I've created a list below.
People who have sex often are perceived to look up to seven years younger.
So apparently masturbation, plenty of water, and patience can aid in helping a female ejaculate.
Sex triggers brain chemicals that may help create creativity at work.
A Scottish study found that people had an easier time with public speaking after sexual release.
Peyronie's Disease is the condition in which a man's penis to curve.
Sex for Europeans lasts about sixteen minutes while lasting only seven minutes for Americans. (Hey, just telling you what the study said.)
Another study showed just twenty minutes of exercise before intercourse improves your sexual response.
People who exercise regularly have higher sex drives.
Almost fifty-three per cent of women have used a vibrator.
Having sex once a week can improve immune function by thirty per cent.
Most couples over sixty-five still have sex at least once a week.
Wearing two inch heels may help improve pelvic muscles which may help in acheiving orgasms.
The more weight a man loses, the bigger his penis appears.
Women who masturbate often are more likely to orgasm during intercourse.
Viagra is now being tested on women who experience sexual dysfunction.
People who have sex often are perceived to look up to seven years younger.
So apparently masturbation, plenty of water, and patience can aid in helping a female ejaculate.
Sex triggers brain chemicals that may help create creativity at work.
A Scottish study found that people had an easier time with public speaking after sexual release.
Peyronie's Disease is the condition in which a man's penis to curve.
Sex for Europeans lasts about sixteen minutes while lasting only seven minutes for Americans. (Hey, just telling you what the study said.)
Another study showed just twenty minutes of exercise before intercourse improves your sexual response.
People who exercise regularly have higher sex drives.
Almost fifty-three per cent of women have used a vibrator.
Having sex once a week can improve immune function by thirty per cent.
Most couples over sixty-five still have sex at least once a week.
Wearing two inch heels may help improve pelvic muscles which may help in acheiving orgasms.
The more weight a man loses, the bigger his penis appears.
Women who masturbate often are more likely to orgasm during intercourse.
Viagra is now being tested on women who experience sexual dysfunction.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Til Death Do Us Part
Seems like people just don't value marriage anymore. Like people think marriage is either a joke or hell here on Earth. It's as if people don't see marriage as the sacred and beautiful thing that it is. God values marriage and even says "a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become ONE flesh" (Ephesians 5:31) Do you not understand how powerful that is? This is the foundation of family! I don't understand how marriage has come to be viewed the way it is today. How people can take vows in front of God and family and friends and yet feel free to treat their spouse with no respect at all. How people can get married and cheat repeatedly and not have a care in the world. God commands husbands to love their wives as they love themselves, their own bodies (Ephesians 5:28). I don't believe a man who truly loved his wife as he loved himself would abuse her, cheat on her, be disrespectful to her. Also wives are asked to, yes, submit to their husbands (Ephesians 5:22-24). Here's my view on that, submission has been viewed negatively by many women, even myself, BUT I've come to believe that if you mean a man who is truly sent to you by God, one who puts God FIRST in his life, you won't feel any doubt about following him as he leads the way. God does say the man is the head of the household and if you truly proclaim to be a Christian you can NOT pick and choose which parts of the Bible you will follow. Now, let me also say that just because God asks women to submit to a man that does not mean He's asking us to be slaves to men, He's not asking us to be doormats for men to walk all over. After all, He created woman to be the helpmeet to man and as my aunt put it "the man is the head, but the woman is the neck. The head can't turn without the neck." I said all that to say this, marriage is a wonderful blessing that God has given to us and people need to learn to view it as such. The vows that you take in front of God and family aren't meant to be taken lightly, although judging by the number of extramarital affairs and the sky high divorce rates, many people feel they are. Marriage isn't something that should be feared, it is a beautiful things, but if you don't feel you can keep the vows you'll be saying in front of those who love you then don't do it. It takes a strong person to get married and really strive to keep the vows uttered on that special day, to work hard to make a marriage work in today's world, make sure you're ready for the first before you say til death do us part.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Have Your Cake AND Eat It, Too?
Listening to the Michael Baisden show yesterday a good topic came up, one I've definitely had conversations with my friend girls about, one I've certainly wondered about myself. The topic is this; can man's ego handle a woman he's dating dating other men? Why is it okay if a guy is dating more than one woman, but not okay if they ladies want to do the same? Like Michael said, if you're open on one side, you have to be open on the other side, too. I have never understood the concept of a guy dating multiple partners yet only wanting me to date him. I mean, get real! How the hell would that even be close to right? Seriously?!? Basically what you're saying by telling me you want me only dating you is that you want me to be your back up. You want me to be readily available whenever you want to hang out with me instead of one of the other girls you're dating. Now, here are my thoughts on that; you have completely lost your mind! I actually had a guy THINK that was the way it was going to be between us a few months back and... Yeah, needless to say things didn't work out. I have even been in situations where the guy will say he's okay with us both dating other people, but then he gets upset if he calls and I tell him I'm out with someone else. Here's my main point though, you can't ask of someone else what you're not willing to do yourself. It's not fair to ask someone to, in a nut shell, be faithful to you when you know that you have absolutely NO intentions of even TRYING to do the same. If you want someone to be faithful to you then you need to be ready to do the same. If you're not ready to be faithful and want to date around a bit more then you need to be ready to accept the people that you're dating doing the same. You can NOT have it both ways... At least not in my book. What do you think? Have you ever been in this situation? Have you ever been the one to want your cake and eat it, too?
Friday, July 22, 2011
Baby, Let Him Go!
Baby mama drama just about sums this post up. SMH Now I'm not saying that all baby mamas are full of drama/always starting stuff with the new woman in their baby father's life, BUT I do know a few cases where this is true and I'm just like really??? I mean, I understand that you all have a child or children together and you'll always love him, but if he's decided to leave and find someone new then you should be out doing the same. It's always hard to deal with heartache and being left behind by someone that you care deeply for, but be real about it. If he's moved on and you're still stuck on him, causing drama in all his relationships that is hardly going to make him want you back, in fact it'll just make you look crazy and make him desire you that much less. Not to mention the affect this has on the child or children. Do you really want your kids seeing you act like you're their age? Causing drama for your baby's daddy is childish, crazy, and just not cool. Woman up and take it for what it is, you may have had him in the past and a child was conceived from that union, but if he's decided to move on, honey, you need to let that shit go. He's not the only man in the world and just because you all conceived a child together doesn't mean you were meant to be together. Oh, and let me also add in that bad mouthing your baby's daddy and/or his new girl is just as childish as starting drama in their relationship. Move on and find your own relationship to be worried about and leave him and his alone.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Beyonce vs Rick Ross
You've seen it happen on sit coms like Fresh Prince (remember the first Vivian?) and Family Matters (with Carl and Harriet), the woman is slim or fit and the man is just... Not. Here he is all out of shape/pot bellied and she's just as slim and fit. The funny thing is that happens in real life sometimes, too. My question is why? Why is it that the woman has a nice figure and is attractive while the man looks like he hasn't been on a treadmill in his life? Are men's fantasy of what a woman should look like really that hard to shake? Is this another way society has conditioned men to look at/for women? I mean, think about it. Like people point out all the time everyday women have images of what the "perfect" body is supposed to look like shoved at them through magazines, through videos, through tv shows, etc so it's only natural that they'd feel the need to slim down. Men on the other hand don't feel so much pressure to stay fit and slim which may be the reason for the Beyonce vs Rick Ross phenom. What do you think? Have you noticed this happening, too? Do you think society's pushing women to stay thin will ever end?
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Eatin Ain't Cheatin
You are your own worst critic or at least that's what is said to be the truth of us as people. A lot of times we judge ourselves more harshly than other people do. I think that would be the key reason people feel they have to justify their behaviors to themselves and others, especially when doing something they know most would disapprove of such as cheating. Now let me just say that I've heard people "justify" cheating with all kinds of things like "I didn't really cheat, we just kissed." Or "We just stayed up and talked all night, it's not like we had sex or anything." Or "We just had oral sex we didn't have real sex." That last one would have to be my favorite because after all oral SEX is in fact sex right? It's oral SEX! Granted there is no genital to genital contact, but it is still sex nonetheless. So just putting this out there, that blues song that says "eatin ain't cheatin" is bull! Here's my take on the whole "justifying" cheating thing. Anything you do with someone other than your partner that you feel you have to justify to yourself and/or others is cheating in itself. If you're doing something with someone else that you wouldn't do in front of your partner, something you know your partner wouldn't approve of, something you wouldn't tell your partner about, something you feel guilty about doing with someone other than your partner then it is cheating. Let me also add that emotional cheating DOES exist! But that's just my take on it. What do you think? What's your definition of cheating? Do you think "eatin really cheatin?
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Quantity Does NOT Equal Quality
How long have you been with your partner? A few months? A year? Three years? Longer? Well, let me this, are you happy? I mean, I know no one is happy ALL the time, but overall, are you happy? If you answered yes to this, then great! That's what love is all about, sharing your life with that special someone who compliments you and makes you happy. If you answer no to this, I have one question, WHY ARE YOU STILL THERE? Are you afraid of getting back out there and dating again? Don't think you'll ever find anyone else? What? I know you may be comfortable where you are, I mean you've gotten past the "honeymoon stage" and you know their good and bad habits, you've already met the family yada yada yada, but that's not reason enough to stay if you're unhappy. Think about how being unhappy and stressed out affects not only your mental and emotional health, but your physical health as well. Being unhappy and stressed out increases your chances of depression, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, etc. Not to mention what will happen to the kids, if you have them, by watching you stay with someone who isn't making you happy simply because you've been with them for a long time. All I'm saying is, if you're in a relationship with someone who makes you feel bad about yourself, someone who cheats constantly, someone who is abusive in any way, if you find yourself crying more than smiling, or you feel the love is gone from your relationship, then baby, it's time to move on no matter how many years it's been. I can vouch for the fact that the dating world is a tough place to be, it's definitely hard to meet someone even halfway decent much less "the one", but don't you owe it to yourself to try to find happiness?
Monday, July 18, 2011
My Goodies, Not My Goodies
Alright, so this is a subject I know is a little touchy, but... it is what it is. I'm just gonna be real about it and speak the truth as I see it. Now, nobody deserves to be cheated on and I definitely do NOT condone cheating, however, truth be told it happens each and everyday and if we (especially women) were honest with ourselves, we'd say a lot of times it could've been prevented. I mean, be real, what do you expect to happen if you're withholding sex/just not being intimate anymore? I know sometimes you're just "not in the mood" and I know at times you're tired and all you want to do is sleep, but dig this, the best way to actually be "in the mood" more often AND relieve tension and stress is to what? Have more sex. Sex increases blood flow giving you more energy and also releases endorphins ( neurotransmitters produced in the brain that reduce pain and are also known for increasing feelings of euphoria) giving you more happy feelings. Let me also just say that sometimes people will cheat no matter what you do, you can have sex with them daily, support them in all that they do, just be the best partner you can be to them and they still end up cheating because in the end if a person REALLY wants to cheat they'll do it regardless. What I am saying though is withholding sex from your partner is not a good form of "punishment" nor will it make him/her very happy especially if in the beginning you were "getting it in" all the time. So what this means is you increase your chances of being cheated on even by those who normally wouldn't do so. It's not all about the sex though. Sex is a way of expression that you care, it shows that you are still attracted to your partner and your not having sex with them may lead them to wonder all types of negative things about the way you feel and also where the relationship is going. If you're not having sex with them because you no longer find them attractive? Is there something going on with you that's stressing you out? Are you mad about something that happened between us? Are you just unhappy? Whatever it is, talk about it. They aren't psychic, so they can't read your mind. Communication is key because truth be told, what you won't do, another person will and that's just real.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
He Really IS Pro Sex!
Growing up here in the "Bible Belt", the south, I've come to realize that many people are taught growing up and still believe into adulthood that God is anti-sex. Truth is He isn't. In fact, God speaks out FOR sex. What He IS against though is sex outside of marriage. Now because we have been taught for so long that sex is wrong, it's bad, it's not something we should talk about or do, we are conditioned to believe God doesn't want us to have sex. There are actually bible verses to say otherwise such as 1 Corinthians 7:5 that asks us not to deprive each other unless it is mutually agreed upon for a good reason such as fasting or praying. Hebrews 7:5 telling us the marriage bed can not be defiled has been interreted in many different ways, as it should be since we are all different and have our own opinions about things. Here's my take on it though, although verses like 1 John 2:16 talk about the lust of the eyes, anything mutually agreed upon and believed to make your marriage better or keep you together is pleasing in God's eyes. As long as what you decide to do isn't harmful to yourselves or others and doesn't go against the commandments, go for it. Sex is fun, exciting, beautiful and God wants us to enjoy it... As long as we're doing it within marriage.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
So... What's Your Number?
I think we’ve all asked or been asked the one question that makes people shift in their seats. "How many people have you been with?" Well, my professor of human sexuality brought up a good discussion when she asked is that really an important question? Does how many people a person has slept with really tell you what type of person they are? Or is it more important to know how many people a person has been with or whether or not they protected themselves? I've heard opinions from both sides of this issue. One side says the number of people you've slept with tells you how much a person values their body and life while people on the other side say you never know what's happened in a person's life, how much a person has gone through, as long as they protected themselves the number doesn't matter. What do you think? Is a person's number important?
Friday, July 15, 2011
What If The Shoe Was On The Other Foot?
So... This week one of the big stories is about the "copycat" crime of the severing of a man's penis. Eighteen years after Lorena Bobbitt's infamous crime of cutting of her husband, John's penis and throwing it out of her car window, a California woman has decided her husband "deserved" the same treatment, but her treatment was a bit more cruel. Catherine Kieu Becker cut off her husband's penis and threw it in the garbage disposal. Now, ladies, I know firsthand how painful it is to have a man cheat on you/do you wrong, however, cutting off, burning, shooting, or super gluing a man's hand to his penis is NOT a good form of "punishment" or revenge unless you're willing to go to jail for it. I just think severing a man penis is one of the most cruel things you can do to a person. And it is interesting that people (especially women) are outraged when a man hits, is abusive towards or rapes a woman, but many women feel it is funny for a woman to damage a man's genitals. My question is what if the shoe was on the other foot? What if men decided to start cutting up women's vaginas? Would this still be funny or taken as a joke?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Oops! Oh My!
Jackin' off, choking the chicken, beatin' meat, jillin' off, ticklin' the taco, playin with the kitty, masturbation. If you can't love yourself, who the hell else will? And practice makes perfect right? Well, with that being said, my question would be why is it that masturbation still such a hush hush subject? Just saying, there are many benefits to masturbation and author Zane even went so far as to say she feels that masturbation makes you a better lover for someone else. This would be especially true for women as a lot of us have problems reaching our climax and self pleasuring would helpy you explore our own body, find out what feels good to you, and could ultimately lead you to "the big O". But reading articles and studies I've come to find that masturbation is supposed to not only do things like of course offer pleasure and relieve stress, but also for men lower chances of prostate cancer and for women help with menstrual cramps. It's also said to relieve chronic back pain and boost the immune system. "Self pleasuring" is reported to also potentially boost sexual confidence and make you more self aware, not to mention it's a better way to get pleasure and not have to worry about contracting an STD or STI... You gotta love yourself before you can love somebody else right?
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Does Size Really Matter?
I'm here to set the record straight on the size issue... At least state what I happen to believe on this topic. Now, I've come to realize that there is a big misconception about what women want in terms of penis size. Of course we realize that all penises were not created equal and some are bigger than others (but then again that goes for everything in life. No two people are made exactly the same). I'm just saying, Mandigo is fun to look at and all, but who in her right mind would want a penis so big it should have its own zip code inside of her vagina??? Don't get me wrong, we do want a nice sized penis (and let me just throw out there that everyone's definition of "nice sized" is different), but we don't want one so huge it could choke us to death during vaginal penetration. However, we don't want it to be so small it makes you wonder if this is what "bumping uglies" with another female feels like since you're receiving no real penetration. I"m not saying that we'll just drop you high and dry if your penis is so small it can't even touch our vagina lips but... Well, um... Yeah, sorry not so sure about that last statement. But um, does size matter? Yes, of course it does. But does it matter to the extent that guys think it does? No, not even. A nice sized penis is always a plus, but it's not always a deal breaker if you're not as big as we envisioned. We want a penis that is going to fill us up, but if your penis can't and we care, we're willing to work with you to make our sex life enjoyable for both of us. We want to be satisfied and not worried about whether or not your huge piece will send us to the hospital for "messing something up down there". Bigger isn't always better.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
I'm A Good Woman But...
Well, ladies I love you, I'm all about sisterhood and all, but I just think it's only fair since I pointed out the I'm a good man but types that I point out the I'm a good woman but types because ladies we all know we do some dirty stuff, too. So I have compiled a list of examples as follows...
I'm a good woman but I plot and scheme to get pregnant by you in the hopes that you'll marry me because I know you make or have the potential to make good money
I'm a good woman but I lied and told you my baby is yours when it really isn't because I figure you'll never doubt me enough to get the baby tested
I'm a good woman but I pretend to be faithful to you knowing I have 5 or 6 different dudes on the side
I'm a good woman but I tell you I'll love you unconditionally knowing secretly all I really want is your money (in other words I'm just a gold digger looking for a meal ticket)
I'm a good woman but I would die if you left me to be with someone else (so in other words if you ever leave me I'll hunt you down like the dog you are and make you and the new heifer's life miserable)
I'm a good woman but I'm sleeping with your best friend behind your back
I'm a good woman but I plot and scheme to get pregnant by you in the hopes that you'll marry me because I know you make or have the potential to make good money
I'm a good woman but I lied and told you my baby is yours when it really isn't because I figure you'll never doubt me enough to get the baby tested
I'm a good woman but I pretend to be faithful to you knowing I have 5 or 6 different dudes on the side
I'm a good woman but I tell you I'll love you unconditionally knowing secretly all I really want is your money (in other words I'm just a gold digger looking for a meal ticket)
I'm a good woman but I would die if you left me to be with someone else (so in other words if you ever leave me I'll hunt you down like the dog you are and make you and the new heifer's life miserable)
I'm a good woman but I'm sleeping with your best friend behind your back
Monday, July 11, 2011
Does Good Oral Stimulation Really Go A Long Way?
This question came to mind after hearing comedian Katt Williams saying women should give bjs more often implying that if you we'd give more oral sex we'd make our men happier and have happier relationships. Basically saying we could get men to do more things we want them to do if we'd do what they want us to do more often (i.e. give bjs). Now, I'm not exactly sure if that's true or not as I'm not a man and could never completely understand the way a man's mind works. In my mind, if you mess up and piss me off, you piss me whether you give me oral sex or not mainly because I know I can hold a grudge and as good as oral sex can be, it doesn't solve the issue nor would it make me any less angry. Oral sex doesn't get me to do anything a man wants me to do other than get off and MAYBE say his name. I can admit though that oral sex does seem to be something pretty high up on a man's wish list, I even know some who prefer bjs to sex, but my question is, do men really enjoy oral sex so much that it could create a happier environment in our relationships? Are bjs to men what roses and romantic evenings are to women? Or was that just a way to try and get more women on their knees?
Sunday, July 10, 2011
My Sin Is Better Than Their Sin!
So, seeing that it's Sunday and all, I decided to post something on the topic of religion. In recent, and some not so recent, conversations, I've heard some of the same crazy ass comments about this one particularly controversial topic. Things like "Oh, that's wrong and they're going straight to hell." Or "Now that's just nasty, I don't like being around people like that." And even "Well, yes, God can save everybody and forgive all sins, but people like that are doomed." Who exactly are people like that? You guessed it! Gay people! Now, I'm not gay nor have I ever engaged in "gaylike" activities, BUT I find it interesting that the main people making those types of comments about people being gay are people who fornicate. I've even had a guy tell me being gay is a terrible sin and an abomination ( Leviticus 18:22, the main scripture folk throw out there when explaining why being gay is wrong although interestingly enough no one quotes the scripture that says flee from sexual immorality for he who sins sexually sins against his own body 1 Corinthians 6:18). Now the Bible also says that NEITHER the sexual immoral NOR homosexual offenders will inherit the kingdom of God (also found in 1 Corinthians, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 to be exact) but no one wants to quote that one either. Oh, and I've also been told by a guy that gay people need to change their lives around/stop being gay, but he just didn't think he could live without sex, although he is not married. My point is folk are so quick to say that gay people are going to hell, that they're wrong, that they're nasty, etc but no one wants to point the finger on themself. I mean, who the hell are you to judge anyway? Whenever someone has something to say about you you drop "Only God can judge me." So why isn't God the only one to judge gay people? Or did God just step down from his postion and let you step in? Isn't a sin a sin a sin?
Saturday, July 9, 2011
I'm A Good Man But...
Ok, so after having a conversation with my sister last night about yet another "love" gone wrong, I was inspired to write this post. Now, don't get me wrong, there really are some good men still out there, however, there are also men out there who claim to be good, but are anything but. And for the men reading this, yes, I do know the same could be said for some women, but that's another story. Anyhow, here's a list I've composed of examples of the I'm a good man but guys. Let me know if you've encountered one or more of these guys, and I'm pretty sure you have (meaning please leave comments below).
I'm a good man but I'm 26 with 7 kids, can you handle that?
I'm a good man but I can't seem to keep my penis in my pants even though I'm "committed" to my girl.
I'm a good man but I'm broke so I will mooch off you until there's nothing left (in other words I will rob you blind if you let me)
I'm a good man but because I have a degree and a job that makes me better than a lot of other dudes (meaning YOU should feel lucky I'm allowing you to talk to ME)
I'm a good man but I'm not sure what I want (i.e. I sleep with anything that moves)
And oh, let's not forget I'm a good man but I haven't been weaned off my mama's breast milk yet, I'll call you when I have... if mama says it's ok
I'm a good man but I'm 26 with 7 kids, can you handle that?
I'm a good man but I can't seem to keep my penis in my pants even though I'm "committed" to my girl.
I'm a good man but I'm broke so I will mooch off you until there's nothing left (in other words I will rob you blind if you let me)
I'm a good man but because I have a degree and a job that makes me better than a lot of other dudes (meaning YOU should feel lucky I'm allowing you to talk to ME)
I'm a good man but I'm not sure what I want (i.e. I sleep with anything that moves)
And oh, let's not forget I'm a good man but I haven't been weaned off my mama's breast milk yet, I'll call you when I have... if mama says it's ok
Friday, July 8, 2011
Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired
First and foremost, let me start off by saying Mississippi is my home, I've been here for 23 years and counting BUT let me also say I am sick and tired of meeting the same ole same ole men. You know the ones I'm talking about. The ones you meet who think everyone wants to know what color underwear they put on this morning. The ones who think Lil Wayne is God playing music so loud it shakes the walls of your house, not to mention they should've fixed the dent in the side of their car or at least taken the time to fix that busted out window on the driver's side. Or how about the guy who is so stuck on himself because he actually has a job that he can't see you for kissing his own behind. Yeah, I've met a couple of those guys, too... But then again I've come to realize I'm a little more superficial than I thought considering I met a somewhat decent guy, but the fact that he was shorter than me in FLAT shoes just didn't sit well with me. I'm beginning to wonder; Is wanting a man who is God fearing, intelligent, romantic, has a legit job, NO kids, FAITHFUL, tall enough that I can actually be face to face with him, and honest too much to ask for? I'm just saying, contrary to popular belief all black women DO NOT want a thug! Does anybody feel me out there?
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