Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Where Are Those Good Old Fashioned Values?
Ok, so we all know what year it is right? Of course we do! It's 2013! With that being said, do you think it would be fair for either man or woman to expect their mate to take on the traditional role of man or woman? Let me explain what I mean. I mean, the traditional role where the woman does all the cooking, cleaning, "taking care of house and home, taking care of the kids and working only from home. I mean, the men working outside of the house, paying all the bills, managing all the money, making all the big decisions. In today's world, do you think that's a fair expectation? Here is my take on it, I think that men and women were each given pretty specific roles determined by the Almighty God and those are roles we should abide by. Am I saying I think women should NOT work outside the home? Absolutely not. Am I saying men should handle all the bills and make all the big decisions? Absolutely not. What I AM saying, however, that women should be the helpmeet and be the support their men need no matter if it's cooking a few times a week, cleaning things as best they can, or being the primary caretaker of the kids if the situation calls for this type of arrangement. Now, to that same token, I think men should ALWAYS remain the head of the household in regards to taking care of most of the bills and making a lot of big decisions, BUT I also think men should be willing to get in the kitchen and cook a meal every now and then themselves, as well as cleaning and taking care of the kids. I realize that some men actually are the ones doing the cooking, cleaning, etc, so I'm just speaking from a generalized stand point. It is what it is though. What works for one couple may not work for the next.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Mixing Business With Pleasure
It happens pretty often. You start a new job, or while working an old job, you are introduced to a coworker you find attractive. You don't know what to do. Should you let him/her know how you feel? Is it inappropriate to date him/her? How should you handle this situation? Here are my thoughts, IF YOU ARE BOTH SINGLE that is! You should definitely tread lightly because it's a complicated thing, mixing business with pleasure. Some people, no matter their age, are not able to handle it. They don't know how to be discreet or how to continue being cordial in the workplace if things take a turn for the worse outside the workplace. There are definitely examples of relationships that started in the workplace and ended up being happily ever after, heck even the President and First Lady are an example of that, HOWEVER, there are also examples of relationships that started in the workplace and went horribly wrong. And yes, I know that relationships can go wrong no matter where you meet, I'm just saying that a relationship that started in the workplace that goes wrong might end up being worse. Think about it, if the relationship goes wrong and you work with that person, that could possibly affect your job. Sometimes people are unpredictable, you never know what a person is capable of. He/she could decide to try and sabotage your career simply because you tell them you know longer want to be with them. Everything from firing you if he/she is the boss, spreading vicious lies/rumors about you, discussing what you guys did in the bedroom with fellow coworkers, etc. And ladies, let me just tell you, although it is said that men are totally the ones who WON'T connect emotionally if you all have sex, this is not always the case! So, my advice to you, both men AND women, is to REALLY REALLY think hard before starting a relationship whether it is ONLY sexual or not with a coworker.
Are White Men More Faithful Than Black Men?
Ok, so, that question is one I come to wonder about more often as of late. I always hear about black men cheating and staying out all night, just plain doing their women wrong, however, to that same token, it seems that white men's indiscretions aren't as widely discussed. Now, don't get me wrong, I HAVE heard multiple stories of white men cheating and doing wrong, too, but what I'm saying is I don't hear those types of things as often. I've often heard that "all men are dogs", but there are many different breeds of dogs which leads me to wonder if black men and white men are dogs of different breeds. Just saying, seems white men get married more often, they provide for their families more often, they just seem to be more... Put together. And again let me clarify something, I'm not saying that there aren't black men out there who provide for, protect, and love their families to the very best of their abilities because I have definitely seen great examples of that. There are exceptions to every rule, not every man is the same and you can't say that just because someone is of a particular race they are a certain way. All I'm asking is, in your experience or from your observations, do you think white men are more faithful? Maybe I need to venture out more to different parts of the world and view different cultures in order to learn that black men ARE in fact great partners IN GENERAL and that they CAN truly be faithful...
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Is It Selfish To Put Yourself First?
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I know that there are people who will be on the opposing end of this post. Deciding who may potentially become your child's mother or father is the first decision you make as a parent. However, no matter if you are with that person six months or six years before having a child, you can not foresee the future or predict how the relationship will turn out. When a child becomes involved, things become increasingly complicated and if things are going south, it can be extremely hard to decide whether or not to part ways with your mate. I have said before and I will say again that I believe you should NOT stay JUST for the kid(s). Your happiness is vital to your child(ren)'s happiness. After all, children are more intuitive than we give them credit for. Now, I know some people feel it is selfish to put your happiness on the forefront once children are involved, but know that your child(ren) learn first from watching you. If you are in a relationship that is toxic, DON'T STAY THERE! If your partner is showing signs of disrespect, disregard, unfaithfulness, etc and you feel their behavior is unacceptable, LEAVE! Leave and give your child(ren) a chance to see what a healthy relationship looks like, how a man should treat a woman, how a woman should treat a man. If you end up remaining single, teach them about having standards and also about becoming what they want to attract. Try models of healthy relationships to take them around. It is NOT selfish to put yourself first, in fact, in these types of situations, putting yourself first will benefit not only you, but your kid(s).
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Could You Stay If You Were Sexually Incompatible?
So... Yeah, I'm writing again. LOL Anyways, we all know, or at least we SHOULD all know, what we want from our mates when it comes to sex. Are you someone who likes to try new things? Sex toys? Public places? Are you more of a person who likes to keep it simple? Same positions? Same place? Ask yourself these questions. Now think about your mate. What type of person is he/she sexually? Are you guys on the same page sexually? Okay, so now that we've thought about that, let me explain what I mean by sexually incompatible. In my mind, sexually incompatibility would be where one partner feels being adventurous in bed is the way to go while the other partner feels keeping it plain and simple is the way. Or maybe one partner is ready to get it on any time day or night 24/7 while the other partner likes it maybe every other week or so. Now, there are in fact ways to work on this issue. You could try sex therapy, slowly introducing sex toys or porn, you could try expressing to your partner your wants and needs, to name a few. Sex, I feel, is a big part of relationships, however, it isn't the only part of relationships nor is it the most important. So, what you'd next need to ask yourself is, do you really want to deal with a partner you are not sexually compatible with? Could you deal with that? I mean, really, do you think the issue could be resolved?
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